
Showing posts from May, 2017

Future belongs to you....

Future belongs to you.... Night mares are all around, Day dreams , la  night dreams, Succession of images.. A man wishes To differentiate, Who is mine & Whose i am... Lost in love, As a emotional being, Fulfils his  family.. A man wishes To differentiate, His whole life & Whole his life... Le sien life ends, But nor the dreams, He is yet in thinking, What about my  dreams....😢😢😢😢😢😢

A poor thought....

A poor thought.... Together we wish, Together we sing, Together we can  go, But still... Together we are, Together we grow, Together we can grow, But still... Two cross roads, Together intersect, Go on different paths, But still... Melancholy in pain, Animosity wouldn't allow, Somebody to go, Further, anyhow... Enjoy's on others happiness, Depresses on our own's, Why a poor thought  come to our mind, Together we can go....